

Monday, August 27, 2012

Centerville Branch - Will miss them
A lot has happened.  We are now in Oskaloosa and already done with the courthouse. In the courthouse we filmed from 3 different offices and the attic.  We were set up in a mediation room that had no windows - so it was great for us.  The only problem was that when it was very hot outside 90's to 105 (which has been most of the time), it was very hot in there.  The people were nice though and it went ok.  Our camera equipment had some malfunctions so they sent us new parts.  We hope that eliminates the problems we have been having. 

 The attic was unique.  It had a dirt floor from years of dust and bats etc.  The books have gotten very dirty on the outside, but on the inside the pages are still pretty nice. 

Attic of Courthouse

 We are moving to a living history farm museum to film tomorrow.  That should be fun also.  We will be in a storage area - very close quarters.  The lady in charge is nice and was going to work in Great Falls, but changed her mind.  We will work Tuesday - Saturday.  Fun change.

We went to the corn festival on the square.  The only problem is that the corn harvest is terrible because of lack of rain.  It has been the worst drought in 50 years.  The corn instead of being green and tall is all yellow and brown like it would be in the late fall. 

One of the few that tried to fill with hot air
We went to a balloon festival in Indianola.  Winds made it so they couldn't fly.  We also went to the state fair with the other senior missionaries and had a barbecue and testimony meeting.  It was very spiritual.  It really makes it nice to be able to talk to people who understand what we are going through and to just have fun. 
Famous butter cow

Biggest pig

Famous Chocolate moose

We Love our new apartment. 

We have our own laundry plus two bedrooms.  

We have a king size bed and nice living room furniture. 

 It is a joy to come home and relax. 

We have been having a great opportunity going out with the missionaries.  We are their ride to visit investigators out of town which has allow us some great spiritual experiences.  We get to listen to the spirit and bare our testimonies.  The couple we are visiting are so wonderful and sincere.  We are in a branch with a new church building.  What a blessing.  We got to talk in sacrament meeting which made it my 4th talk since I have been on our mission.  I taught RS Sunday and Ron taught Sunday School a couple of weeks ago.  We have gotten to help with a wedding, a baptism, moving people, and cleaning the church.  There are a lot of people investigating the church which makes the gospel essentials class great.  We have many teachers from the local college here - William Penn, and now the students are arriving.    The people are so varied.  It is a great branch.  The people are nice and loving.