

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Some Things Learned the First Week at MCT

Ron writes, Oh how I wish I knew 35 years ago what we learned last week on how to share the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I would be a far better home teacher and missionary. The key is to help others read and study the Book of Mormon and then help them ask God through prayer if it is true. Our purpose is to open the lines of communication between the one reading the Book of Mormon and his/her Heavenly Father. Praying to find out the answer is foreign to many. Yet that is how one can become converted to the Gospel. It is not through giving wonderfully prepared lessons. We must do all we can to encourage study of the Book and prayer about it's truthfulness, and then let the Holy Ghost confirm it's truthfulness. We do our best to answer their questions and concerns, but it all comes down to them following up on commitments to read the Book. As they gain a confirmation of its truthfulness, all of their other questions will be answered.

We are both excited to work with the less actives of our new branch or ward for two weeks when we get to Iowa about 13 February. After we do that, we will be taught how to microfilm by our supervisor. This week we are learning to capture record images with a digital camera, something we may or may not use in Iowa. Interesting tidbit we learned today to the question of how the Church safely preserves all it's digital images and other documents. Answer: First, they keep it on two hard drives on servers located in different locations. The servers will automatically backup the hard drives before they start to go bad. Additionally, the data is stored on three separate tapes. I guess the expression would have to be for Church images, five times and you're out. That is a lot of backups!

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